As an institute, AIL offers it's students opportunities to participate in not just curriculum based activities, but also co-curricular activities. One of the biggest such event to be organized by the institute is the annual Intra-Institute Batch Dance Competition. The competition was held at the MPH on the bright Thursday afternoon of 19th April 2018. The competition witnessed enthusiastic performances by all the batches. The afternoon was a wonderful mixture of all dance forms, from classical to hip-hop. The performances ranged from freestyle dancing to theme based segments. The performances ended with a special video from the fifth year, highlighting moments, parts and people from the college that have been a part of the college and keep it going. The winner for the event was third year with the fifth year grabbing the runner's up position. The event ended with the fourth year batch issuing the official invite for the Escorts and Farewell 2018. ...
Army Institute of Law Blog