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Showing posts from April, 2018


As an institute, AIL offers it's students opportunities to participate in not just curriculum based activities, but also co-curricular activities. One of the biggest such event to be organized by the institute is the annual Intra-Institute Batch Dance Competition. The competition was held at the MPH on the bright Thursday afternoon of 19th April 2018. The competition witnessed enthusiastic performances by all the batches. The afternoon was a wonderful mixture of all dance forms, from classical to hip-hop. The performances ranged from freestyle dancing to theme based segments. The performances ended with a special video from the fifth year, highlighting moments, parts and people from the college that have been a part of the college and keep it going.  The winner for the event was third year with the fifth year grabbing the runner's up position.  The event ended with the fourth year batch issuing the official invite for the Escorts and Farewell 2018. ...


The generally accepted definition of the principle of universal jurisdiction is – ‘a legal principle allowing or requiring a state to bring criminal proceedings in respect of certain crimes irrespective of the location of the crime and the nationality of the perpetrators or the victims’. [1] ‘It is based on the notion that certain crimes are so harmful to international interests that states are entitled – and even obliged -   to bring proceedings against the perpetrator, regardless of the location of the crime and the nationality of the perpetrator or the victim’. [2] It is a jurisdiction based solely on the (heinous) nature of the crime. [3] The crimes being referred to in the above definitions in widely accepted to be either of the following: Genocide War crimes Crimes against humanity Crimes of aggression The jurisdiction of the ICC, when it comes to a crime, requires a link with the crime, i.e. the crime should have either been committed in the territory o...


For students of law, mooting is perhaps the most important skill one must hone. To facilitate the students in getting optimum mooting experience, the Army Institute of Law holds the Intra-Institute Moot Court Competition annually.  The final round of the Intra-Institute Moot Court Competition 2018 was held on the 12th of April 2018. The competition was conducted over 2 preliminary rounds held on 10th and 11th of April 2018 and semi-final and final round held on the 12th. The competition saw 16 teams fighting out the Proposition prepared by Mr. Anil Malhotra, senior advocate. The preliminary and semi-final rounds were presided by faculty members of the institute. Gracing the bench for the final round were Justice Dipak Sibal, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Prof. Dr. Rattan Singh, Director Panjab University and Mr. Anil Malhotra, Senior Advocate, Punjab & Haryana High Court. Reaching the finals were Team 1 comprising Shweta Nair and Akanksha ...

Winners - 1st Surana & Surana Environment Law Moot Court Competition

Once again, students of Army Institute of Law, Mohali have made their college proud. It was a joyous moment indeed when the team comprising of Tavish Gurung (V Year), Adhiraj Bhandari (IV Year) and Bhavna Harsha (I Year) won the 1 st Surana & Surana Environment Law Moot Court Competition held at UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Adhiraj Bhandari won the Best Speaker award and the team also bagged the 2 nd Best Memorial Award. Congratulations to the team and wishing them all the best for their future endeavors. -- Written By: Managing Committee AIL Blog


As part of the Thursday Activity, we had the pleasure of watching Sawar Manda (IV Year) & Manish (II Year) give a mock presentation of how a “Moot”, which is considered to be an essential part of legal education, is to be presented in Hindi. Yes, you heard that right. A not so conventional manner in which the competition is usually conducted. The duo along with Advitya Sambhyal (III Year) had recently represented Army Institute of Law, Mohali at 2nd Amity National Hindi Moot Court Competition and were Runners Up at the same. Along with that, the team was adjudged as the Best Disciplined Team, and were also recognized for having the Best Memorial and Sawar Manda was adjudged as the Best Speaker.  In order to encourage students to do things differently, a demo moot was conducted as part of today’s Thursday Activity. The proposition was argued before the bench comprising of Dr. Ajaymeet Singh and Dr. Puja Jaiswal. It was indeed a learning experience for everyone i...


JURISDICTION OF THE ICC According the Rome Statute, the ICC follows territorial jurisdiction. This territorial jurisdiction applies to States who are party to the Rome Statute, but can be extended to non-party States should they want. For this they would have to provide a temporary declaration for the same. The ‘non-state’ party in this case must be a recognised sovereign. According to Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, even a non-party state can be investigated by the ICC Office of Prosecutor in a case of international crime if they are a member of the United Nations.  Any crime which was committed before 1 st July 2002, when the Statute was enforced, cannot be tried by the ICC according to its temporal Jurisdiction. Article 24 (1) prevents any person from being held criminally responsible by the ICC for any international offence he may have committed before the Statue was entered into. In addition to this, ICC only holds jurisdiction over the crimes l...