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Showing posts from August, 2018

Novices Moot Court Competition 2018

Novices Moot Court Competition is an annual event of the Army Institute of Law, Mohali, in which the students who join the course of B.A.LL.B. are introduced to the activity of mooting. Moot is the mock activity on how the legal proceedings take place in the courts. Novices is a beginner’s guide for the First year’s students to make them learn formal legal writing and drafting, to develop good and effective oratory skills and to work as a team in coordination with each other. This year the competition was held from 27 to 30th August 2018. The rounds were nail biting as rigorous questioning were done by the judges. With the end of the Final Round, the following came out to be the results- Winners Team 10 (Paloma Gupta Roll no. 1836 and Abhidha Gupta Roll no. 1868) Runners-up Team 20 (Anuj Raina Roll no.1848 and Ajshal Roll no.1817) Best student advocate Ms. Aditi Singh (Roll no. 1815 of Team 30) Best memorial Team 37 (Prerna Chaturvedi Roll no...