Amidst fears with regard to handling of sensitive data and information and several allegations being levelled against the government of enabling the creation of a surveillance state and also with regard to the alleged leak of private information of plethora of people on the social networking site Facebook, a committee headed by retired Justice BN Srikrishna was constituted and given the task of carving out a solid foundation or a digital framework for proper handling and processing of personal and sensitive data and after a long and tedious deliberation it submitted its draft of the “Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018” on July 27, 2018 to the Government. Various Entities: The Bill has recognised several entities Data Principal (whose data is processed), Data Processor/Data Fiduciaries (who processes the data), a central regulating authority called the Data Protection Authority of India (DPAI) whereby term “Processing” includes collecting, recording, adapting, ind...
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