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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Man of the Millennium


“The bald, lanky, shirtless, bespectacled man from India, Father of the Nation, Gandhi was the pivot behind India's struggle for freedom against British rule.”

Few people who have walked this planet have made an impact as huge as Mahatma Gandhi. The bald, lanky, shirtless, bespectacled man from India, Father of the Nation, Gandhi was the pivot behind India’s struggle for freedom against British rule. While the first revolt against the British rule was in 1857, it was nothing as massive as that led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He led an army of millions all bound by two principles, truth and non-violence. Gandhi started a number of relentless movements to reach the final goal that was freedom and the same was achieved for India on August 15, 1947. It was only fitting that the title of ‘Mahatma’ was conferred upon this great Indian leader.
Mahatma Gandhi studied law in United Kingdom and went ahead to South Africa to practice as a lawyer. However, he left his practice and returned to India due to his love for his country and to fight for the freedom of his people. Gandhi became a keen political leader and fought for the nation. His characteristic of getting identified separately from the mass made him popular among the Indians and British as well.

To express his protests against the tax on salt, he undertook the Salt March from Ahmedabad to Dandi covering a total distance of 388 kilometres. He even founded the philosophy of non-violence (ahimsa) and truth (Satyagraha). Gandhi had a heart of courage and spirit of the unafraid. He had been imprisoned on several accounts during the freedom struggle. Despite the hurdles and difficulties, Gandhi went ahead and played a significant role in making India an independent country. He even announced a fast of 21 days for the cause of Harijans. His Quit India slogan proved a final signal for the British dominion in India. Gandhis teachings and practice are invaluable for the country and are largely used in providing peaceful solutions to problems and in solving current conflicts.

October 2, 2017, the nation is all geared up to celebrate Gandhi’s 148th birthday on Monday. The day is to commemorate his birth as well as his life that serves as a guiding path for several people in India and across the world. October 2 is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti and as the International Day of non-violence worldwide. Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday in India.

Many people celebrate Gandhi’s birthday by offering prayers and participating in services in his memory. Schools, colleges, government offices, post offices, banks, etc. remain closed on Gandhi Jayanti in order to pay tribute to the great leader of India. We remember Bapu and his great deeds by celebrating the Gandhi Jayanti. Several places hold commemorative activities and cultural events while several colleges and government offices organize special prayer sessions and get-togethers. A number of housing societies play patriotic songs on loudspeakers on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday.

The aim of celebrating Gandhi Jayanti as the International Day of non-violence is to distribute Bapu’s philosophy, belief in non-violence, principle, etc. all over the world. It is celebrated through theme based proper activities in order to enhance the public awareness worldwide. Gandhi was born in a small coastal town (Porbandar, Gujarat) however he performed great works all through his life which still influences the people in advance era.

He worked great for achieving Swaraj, remove untouchability from society, abolition of other social evils, improving economic condition of farmers, empowering women rights and many more. The movements run by him are non-cooperation movement in 1920, Dandi March or Salt Satyagraha in 1930 and Quit India Movement in 1942 in order to help Indian people in getting freedom from British rule. His Quit India Movement was a call to British to leave India.

Gandhis birthday is celebrated in his remembrance by the whole nation. His high thinking, simple living and strong willpower made him a revered leader of India.

“A Man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”

Written By:
Gaurav Hooda
On behalf of Team of AIL Blog


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