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Showing posts from November, 2017


To reminisce the old days and continue the everlasting ties, the Army Institute of Law had its Annual Alumni Meet on 11 th November 2017. The Alumni Meet was organised in the college premises and was graced by the presence of alumni from various batches and from different parts of the country. It was an event filled with exhilaration, made a success with the dedication and diligence of faculty members and students. The event began with a warm welcome to the alumni by a flash mob in the Atrium, after that the alumni were ushered to the Multi Purpose Hall which was emblazoned with black and golden decor. The event was inaugurated by lightning of lamp ceremony by Principal Dr. Tejinder Kaur and three alumni Mr. Damanbir Sobti (Batch 2005), Mrs. Anudeep Kaur Bhatti (Batch 2008) and Mr. Anil Mehta (Batch 2008), in the honoured presence of Col. Gurkirat Singh (SO to Chairman), Col. Harbinder Singh (Registrar, AIL) and Col. Jagdish Singh Chander (Addl. Registrar and Placement Offic...


It is the inbred duty of the state to provide for a non-partisan and efficient police authority that will facilitate in shielding the interests of the people. ‘Police’ being a state subject under the Constitution of India, the onus falls upon the state government to provide for a streamlined police force. Quite a few years have passed since the prominent judgement of the Supreme Court in the case of Prakash Singh v. Union of India [1] on police reforms exhorting the central and the state government to modify the police system making it more people centric than ruler centric but the ground reality seems to be unvaried. During our colonial time people had a fear of Police owing to the fact that the very fabrication of colonial police is based on wariness, and the image associated with it was robust but now that fabrication needs to be reviewed. Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the 49th Annual Conference of Director General of Police and heads of all Central police o...

Decoding Article 35-A

Article 35-A has become the focal point of many debates in the recent few weeks, laying emphasis on the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. While Article 35-A still remains unchallenged, A Supreme Court bench is working its way very hard to examine the constitutional validity of this Article. What is Article 35-A? Article 35-A is a provision that was incorporated in the constitution giving the J&K legislature a carte blanche to decide who all are to be regarded as the permanent members of the state and to confer them with some special rights and privileges. How did it come about? In the mid-twentieth century, the representatives to the Constituent Assembly of J&K requested that only those provisions of the Indian Constitution that corresponded to the original Instrument of Accession should be applied to the State. Accordingly, the Article 370 was incorporated into the Indian Constitution, which stipulated that the other Articles of the Constitution that ...

E-books: The New Trend in Reading

W ell, books are nothing but the art of literary works. Starting from the very primitive era where ‘ The Epic of Gilgamesh’ had been recorded as the first written story to the present-day world where the concept of e-books has been established, the primary motive of an individual is to achieve success. And for achieving the success he tries to bring down the atmosphere to as comfortable as he can.  Late 20 th  century and early 21 st  century has witnessed many great inventions. The invention and increased usage of smartphones and tablets are probable what has lead to the popularization of e-books, even changing the attitude of people towards reading altogether. So much have these inventions affected people that some are now of the view that E-books are the death of paper books while some people still believe in the old traditional way of reading. For me, it is somewhat a different concept. Surveys conducted by several agencies have revealed that every passing y...