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The world has recently been on the edge with increasing tensions between North Korea, the United States and its allies primarily South Korea and Japan with North Korea recently ramping up its missile programme and nuclear tests under the garb of regime survival.

Kim’s regime claims that besides learning how to build, they have also learned how to miniaturize a hydrogen bomb; competent enough to fit on the new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), furthermore, have also developed a system skilful enough of delivering it, and this nuclear arsenal was recently showcased to the world via various tests.

These actions of the North have prompted a jittery American President who often seems ignorant of the plausible repercussions of his words. The country has been notoriously secluded since the Korean War. Their military is shockingly anachronistic with wood powered trucks as perceptible from some recently leaked photos. North Korea is at the bottom tier of pretty much every human development index in circulation, outdone only by few countries such as South Sudan and Somalia.

The question now arises as to how the nation got trailblazing science for such atomic weaponry? World primarily points at India and Pakistan. A nuclear scientist from Pakistan Abdul Qadeer Khan was alleged to have stolen information on Nukes from Europe and was arrested for transferring the same to North Korea. Country conducted its first ever nuclear test with a Plutonium Based bomb in 2006 and later on, boasted by confirming that their borders are now lurking with nuclear technology.

Since then the country has been conducting various tests and to tackle this, UNSC imposed certain sanctions on North Korea including certain economic ones that cut Pyongyang’s $3 billion in export earnings by roughly a third.

South Korea and Japan till now have been subject to “Nuclear Umbrella” of the US. But at some juncture North Korea will be competent enough to target some of major US cities and Japan and South Korea have indicated uneasiness over the “Nuclear Umbrella” if the US itself some day, comes under the range of North Korean Nukes.

On comparing the armies of the North and the South, the Northern has about three times the manpower of South but on the contrary North is qualitatively inferior to the South. Qualitative superiority may help the US-ROK armies to win many regular battles but once the supply of US-ROK precision munitions gets exhausted the armies could lose much of their qualitative advantage.
The Kim dynasty has gathered these military abilities to dissuade a likely US action against them. To impede this development of Nukes by the North is a mammoth task as some theoretical measures (like the economic sanctions which are only partially implemented by China) are unlikely to stop North Korea. The country is working in an almost unstoppable way and has almost 5,000 to 6,000 artillery and rocket launchers within the range of South Korean Capital.

Tensions have further escalated by the US President’s recent addresses, where he has openly laid threats of “destroying North Korea” which was also demonstrated in Trump’s speech at the UN, where instead of calling for peace, he called the Korean Dictator “Rocket Man” and threatened of “destroying North Korea”.

After the World War II, the general trend to accumulate nuclear technology was for the “propagation of peace” which was based on the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) which states that if some country uses nuclear arsenal, then it is mutually assured to destroy itself by way of retaliation from the other nation.

Many experts have suggested that the best way to solve this issue is to persuade North Korea to put an end to its nuclear program. But the Kim Family has clearly stated it would not be as foolish as the Libyan Leader Gadhafi, since he acceded to give up his nukes and was later overthrown with the US help. Dictator of North Korea is primarily concerned with the survival of his regime and thus is extremely thin-skinned to any such intimidation whatsoever.

The past speaks of North Korea easily crossing the “red lines” established by the US and that too without facing any noteworthy consequences. The urgency of the time calls for the peace loving countries to come together and adopt a multidimensional approach towards North Korea like economic sanctions, spreading information in North Korea that would disturb the country’s internal political environment, threatening to take military action and in a way trying to persuade the Dictator, that his nuclear arsenal is doing no good to him and his regime but in a way, is working towards jeopardizing his regime.

Written By
Rahil Setia
I Year

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the author and do not reflect the views and opinions of the Blog.


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