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Drug addiction is a problem that is increasing in our society. Today there is an ever increasing tendency amongst the youth for trying something new or doing something that their friends are doing. This often takes them to the path which leads them either on the doorstep of depression or to serious health problems.

Drug addiction can terribly hinder and restraint us from accomplishing our goals and dreams in life. People sometimes feel that they are too bright, too powerful, and too formidable to control to become addictive. Addiction can trap anyone. It can cause harm to one's body and also lead to problems in the family. Delinquent behaviour in the society is also another consequence. The sooner people seek help for drug addiction problems, the more chances they have of gaining control of their lives. However, abstinence is the safest way to live a longer and healthier life.

As part of the Anti-Drug Drive, an initiative of the Hon’ble Capt. Amarinder Singh, Chief Minister of Punjab, the Army Institute of Law, Mohali conducted an oath taking ceremony on the occasion of Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s Martyrdom Day.

Tavish Gurung (V Year) enlightened the students on the problem of Drug Abuse and how it is affecting the youth of the country, particularly in the State of Punjab, and how we as students can take steps to ensure that the Youth of this country stays away from such vicious practices and contribute effectively in the development of the country, rather than being a liability.

The Oath was administered by Gaurav Hooda (IV Year), where everyone pledged that they will help in curbing the problem of Drug Abuse. That they will themselves not indulge in the same and also discourage others, who have been a victim of this social evil. Students were also encouraged to become Drug Abuse Prevention Officers (DAPO) and get themselves enrolled with the nearest district offices, as part of the Anti-Drug Abuse Drive Programme. 

“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there”

Wishing you a healthy and blissful life. Stay safe, stay happy and above all stay healthy.


Written By: 
Mayank Sharma
I Year
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Blog.


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