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Prof. Deepti Gupta graced Army Institute of Law, Mohali with her presence on 8th March 2018. She spoke about the importance and need to develop language in order to succeed in the field of Law. Given the fact that a lawyer’s main tool is his words, language and its improvement becomes an integral part of any budding lawyer’s life. 

She is presently the Chairman of Department of English and Cultural Studies at Punjab University.  She is a highly educated woman with an M.A in English Literature and Linguistics, M.Phil. in Stylistics and a PhD in English Language teaching. She specialises in Applied Linguistics.  She has various publications to her name including some for International journals such as ELT journal, UK and has also served as a Reviewer for various National & International Journals. The Prof. also has to her credit, various books outlining her immense knowledge in the field of English Literature and Linguistics. The Prof. has had the pleasure of being the Guest Faculty at reputed institutes like IIT Ropar and RGNUL, Patiala and as a Trainer has conducted various workshops and training courses, alongwith advising and designing the curriculum of noteworthy institutions .

Prof. Gupta started with explaining how language has evolved to move away from only dictionary meanings of words and actually adapting their connotative meanings also. She drew a parallel of this to the need of every lawyer to understand the connotative meanings of the words that he/she is using.

She also brought to light the necessity of understanding the correct pronunciation of words, especially Latin proverbs that are commonly used in law, along with emphasising the requirements of understanding and adapting the Jargon of the legal profession.

Prof. Gupta further proclaimed that India is a country where there is existence of a suitable environment to adapt Multilingualism as considerable importance is given to all languages without specific concentration on only one.

All in all, it was an extremely informative and attention-grabbing session with the use of humour to maintain the interests of those in attendance. The standing-ovation given by everyone present in the Multi-Purpose Hall was testament of the thoughts and feelings of the students, towards the impact, this talk had on them.

Written By:
Simran Sidana
III Year

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Blog.


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