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On the 18th, 19th and 20th of January, 2019 the Army Institute of Law, Mohali conducted its annual National Moot Court Competition, Checkmate.

This was the 9th edition of the moot court and it saw participation from 26 teams from law schools around the country.

This year the proposition for Checkmate dealt with a naval dispute between two nations, which caused certain aspersions being cast upon the integrity of a senior naval officer. The questions of law pertained to the Naval Act, 1957 and Constitution of India. This year’s proposition was drafted by Gurnoor Singh Sandhu (5th year) and Adhiraj Bhandari (5th year) who were both felicitated for the same.

On 20th January, the finals were conducted in the Multi Purpose Hall, between Balasaheb Apte College of Law, Mumbai and Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad. 

The final rounds were judged by -
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arun Palli, Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court; Hon’ble Mr. Justice Gurmeet Singh Sandhawalia, Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court;
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh, Former Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court;
Mrs. Monisha Gandhi Senior Advocate Punjab and Haryana High Court and
Brig NK Ohri VSM, DJAG Head Quarters Western Command.
The team from Balasaheb Apte College of Law Mumbai were adjudged as the winners. They were awarded a running trophy along with a cash prize of Rs.50,000.
Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad were runner’s up, winning a cash prize of Rs.35,000.


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