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Showing posts from October, 2017


70th INFANTRY DAY Infantry Day was observed across India on 27 October 2017 to commemorate the sacrifices made by the infantry who fought against Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir in 1947. This was the first infantry action by the Indian Army after independence. Why October 27 is celebrated as Infantry Day? •      In 1947, Jammu and Kashmir was invaded by tribals who were getting support from Pakistani Army. •       The then Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru ordered the Indian Army for quick action against the invaders. Following the order, the 1st Battalion of the SIKH Regiment was sent to Kashmir. •       On 27 October 1947, the Regiment was airlifted from Delhi and landed at Srinagar to liberate Kashmir from the invaders. • It must be noted that the order for the same was made by Nehru after Maharaja Hari Singh signed the ‘Instrument of Accession’ acceding Jammu Kashmir to India. To remember and ...


C ollege is the place where students are nurtured towards becoming responsible and productive members of the society. College provides a means of moulding students into capable professionals in their chosen fields. However, one thing which cannot be ignored in the curriculum of College is physical education which encourages students to have an active lifestyle and experience various facets of life including winning, losing, and teamwork.  Army Institute of Law, Mohali conducted its three days long Sports Day Celebrations from 24 th October with a variety of sporting events that included football, basketball, Kho-Kho, volleyball, athletics, table tennis and tug of war. Students from the different years were grouped into teams. The five teams included the Boss Babies (1 st Year), Nagarpalika Wale (2 nd Year), Satya Ke Aadmi (3 rd Year), Silent Spartans (4 th Year), Pushkin And Friends (5 th Year). The occasion was honoured by the presence of respected Principal Ma’am, ...

Diwali: A Festival of Lights

There are but few festivals in India that are celebrated with as much zeal and happiness as Diwali. One would be right in saying that it is the brightest and the biggest festivals of the Hindus. So grand is its celebration that Diwali has now become an Indian festival, not just a Hindu festival. The country lights up days before Diwali and stays alight for days afterwards as well. Celebrations of Diwali go back to ancient India, with several legends claiming its origin. Harvest is perhaps its most simple and ancient claimant, however, subsequent legends like a marriage of goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu and the return of Lord Rama from Lanka are equally popular beliefs. Celebrations on the day of Diwali are marked by prayers in the evenings and lighting up of houses with lamps and fairy lights in the evening, before the dark sets in. After the prayers have been done, it is a common tradition for children to burst crackers and for the elders and other members of a family to visit ...

BREXIT and the Left Behind

The European Union or commonly referred to as the EU is an economic and political union of European states, with its de facto capital Brussels. The founding stones for the European Union were laid on 1ST Nov 1993, Maastricht, Netherlands.   The EU is governed by chimerical institutions and intergovernmental negotiated decisions of the member states.   The EU traces its ancestry from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC). Over a period of 60 years, EU has achieved a lot but Brexit is the greatest disaster to befall the European Union. Brexit has become a shorthand way of saying the UK leaving the EU- merging the words Britain and Exit to get BREXIT. Article 50 of the Treaty OF Lisbon confers any EU member with the right to quit unilaterally and also outlines the procedure for doing so. The article moreover formulates the procedure for the leaving country, two years to negotiate an exit deal and once it is set in motion it can...

Rohingyas in Myanmar: India's Options

  Who are the Rohingyas? The Rohingyas are a minority community in Myanmar, living in the   western Myanmar, the State of Rakhine along the coast. Often   called the “world’s most persecuted minority”, most Rohingyas   are Muslims who have lived amongst the Buddhist community of  Myanmar for years. The South East Asian countries are home to   approximately 1.1 million Rohingyas [1] . The community has been denied the citizenship of Myanmar since   1982 and is not considered a part of the 135 ethnic groups   recognized officially. In essence, the Rohingyas are basically stateless. They are confined to Rakhine, forced to live in camps,   which are often compared to German ghettos, without basic opportunities and services. The Rohingyas have lived in this area for centuries; some historians even say the 12 th century. During the British rule, labourers migrated from India and Bangladesh to My...

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Man of the Millennium

M.K GANDHI: MAN OF THE MILLENNIUM “The bald, lanky, shirtless, bespectacled man from India, Father of the Nation, Gandhi was the pivot behind India's struggle for freedom against British rule.” Few people who have walked this planet have made an impact as huge as Mahatma Gandhi. The bald, lanky, shirtless, bespectacled man from India, Father of the Nation, Gandhi was the pivot behind India’s struggle for freedom against British rule. While the first revolt against the British rule was in 1857, it was nothing as massive as that led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He led an army of millions all bound by two principles, truth and non-violence. Gandhi started a number of relentless movements to reach the final goal that was freedom and the same was achieved for India on August 15, 1947. It was only fitting that the title of ‘Mahatma’ was conferred upon this great Indian leader. Mahatma Gandhi studied law in United Kingdom and went ahead to South Africa to practice as a lawye...