The world has recently been on the edge with increasing tensions between North Korea, the United States and its allies primarily South Korea and Japan with North Korea recently ramping up its missile programme and nuclear tests under the garb of regime survival. Kim’s regime claims that besides learning how to build, they have also learned how to miniaturize a hydrogen bomb; competent enough to fit on the new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), furthermore, have also developed a system skilful enough of delivering it, and this nuclear arsenal was recently showcased to the world via various tests. These actions of the North have prompted a jittery American President who often seems ignorant of the plausible repercussions of his words. The country has been notoriously secluded since the Korean War. Their military is shockingly anachronistic with wood powered trucks as perceptible from some recently leaked photos. North Korea is at the bottom tier of pretty much eve...
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