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Showing posts from January, 2018


The world has recently been on the edge with increasing tensions between North Korea, the United States and its allies primarily South Korea and Japan with North Korea recently ramping up its missile programme and nuclear tests under the garb of regime survival. Kim’s regime claims that besides learning how to build, they have also learned how to miniaturize a hydrogen bomb; competent enough to fit on the new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), furthermore, have also developed a system skilful enough of delivering it, and this nuclear arsenal was recently showcased to the world via various tests. These actions of the North have prompted a jittery American President who often seems ignorant of the plausible repercussions of his words. The country has been notoriously secluded since the Korean War. Their military is shockingly anachronistic with wood powered trucks as perceptible from some recently leaked photos. North Korea is at the bottom tier of pretty much eve...

CHECKMATE 2018 – AIL’s National Moot Court Competition

C HECKMATE 2018 Moot Courts, an essential part of the curriculum, which develops and prepares a student, to argue, learn etiquettes and more importantly, teaches them how to take two situations that are exactly the same and show how they are different. This year’s event saw a Total number of 40 teams participating in the Competition including the National Law Universities. On 20 th January, The preliminary rounds and quarter finals were held and the much anticipated semi-final and the final round was held on 21st January in the Multi-Purpose Hall. The Finale, saw, School of Law, Christ University, Bengaluru and ILS, Pune argue the proposition in order to take home the glorious trophy. The finale was judged by the sitting judges of the Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court along with other distinguished members of the legal fraternity. The event started with the welcome addressed delivered by Dr. Tejinder Kaur, Principal, AIL.  The Valedictory ceremony was graced ...


WHAT IS 3D PRINTING? First started in 1987, 3-D Printing is also known as Additive Manufacturing in which layers after layers of material are created to create an object. This method helps in making precise and complex products with less wastage than traditional manufacturing. Many low cost and high performing 3D printers are available in the market which makes it very convenient to produce things. This makes it very easy to manufacture whatever anyone wants, opening a gateway to Black Market of such products. A variety of things ranging from fabrics to ceramic can be printed using this technology. WHAT IS REQUIRED TO PRINT A 3D OBJECT? To make a product using 3D printing only two things are required which is: an electronic prototype of the wanted product and a 3D printer. Electronic prototype can be obtained by two means; the first being obtaining or buying the electronic blueprint online and second being writing the programme by self. LEGAL ASPECT While looking ...


On a wonderful Thursday Afternoon, when the sun was shining bright, Army Institute of Law organised an Extempore Competition as part of the Thursday Activity. 15 enthusiastic students, took part in this joyous competition. Emcee Aaryan RK (Second Year) hosted the competition and the students by way of chit system, chose their topics for the Extempore. The students were allotted topics from various burning issues. Be it GST, Demonetisation, Triple Talaq or Internet Censorship etc., participants elocuted their views in a very articulate manner, whilst grappling the attention of the audience members. It indeed was a delight to hear such wonderful points/views, put forth by the participants. More often than not, we come across such topics and discussions in our day to day life, but in this Thursday Activity, participants enlightened the audience while dealing with the intricacies associated with the topics assigned to them. Of-course, anecdotes, quotations, added humour to the ...